Derrick’s story of living at the Veronica Home…
$500 a month can give hope to a child with HIV.
When determining which children ReACT should support, our trained Kenyan Social Worker, health specialist and general manager make assessments of children within the local community. If possible, we prefer to support children within the community through our HBC model but if a child with HIV is found to be in critical health with inappropriate home care, we do consider bringing them to the Veronica Home. This is a home located in the community we serve & designed to strategically care for the unique needs of HIV children. Here a critically sick HIV child has a better chance of stabilizing with proper medical attention, ARV intake and a healthy organic diet that boosts their weak immune systems naturally. The dedicated staff nurture and care for these children in a Jesus-centered home where they also learn to grow in faith, love and trust. The goal is always to stabilize an at-risk child and where possible, to return them to their home communities to be cared for in that environment through the HBC program. This home is named after a young girl we loved named Veronica who died of AIDS.